Claretian Memories
This section aims to give us more information that will help broaden our Father Founder. These are brief narratives on facts and aspects of his life that are rarely known that can complement and help us have a wider vision of the person of St. Anthony Mary Claret.
Claret, doctor populi
Claret, through his particular interest in writing, invites us all to be “doctors of the people” through our writings, whether it be profound or simple, bulky or in perishable sheets, theological or social, on paper or airwaves, manual or digital.
Letters of Ignacio Betriu to Sister Rosa de San Elías, Discalced Carmelite
Ignacio Betriu’s letters are of great interest since it was written by a front-row spectator as he was, and some of them are intensely dramatic like that of the narration of the attack in Holguín.
Portrait of Fr. Torrent by Father Claret
We have all heard of the artistic qualities of Fr. Claret, particularly in drawing. But rarely have we had the opportunity to contemplate a hand-made portrait of him.
The Christ of Salvador Paramo
Few people know that this Christ was sculpted by San Antonio María Claret when he was Rector of the church-hospital of Montserrat, both located in the Plaza de Antón Martín in Madrid.
The Railway
On November 3, 1859, Father Claret wrote to Dionisio González: “Here goes that little book that I just wrote for humor and entertainment.“ He was referring to his written book “Railroad Travelers.“ I don’t think we would have ever thought that Father Claret could have written a book of humor and entertainment.
Claret As President of El Escorial
The official decree of his appointment as President would arrive on August 5, 1859. In that appointment the projects were indicated on which he should focus: the physical repair of the building, the creation of an Ecclesiastical Corporation or Chaplains for the spiritual restoration of the monastery and a primary and secondary school.
Fuss in music
In 1861, Fr. Claret published at the Aguado Printing Office in Madrid, a book entitled “Ecclesiastical Chant Art for Seminary Use”. It was one of the many initiatives that Father Claret, then president of the Monastery of El Escorial since 1859.
The Basque Chef of Father Claret
Simon de la Pedrosa knew Fr. Claret from a new perspective that serves for us to know more of his very human aspects through the eyes of his Basque chef. A good way to define a little more the profile of a great saint of the nineteenth century.
Claret, A Man
In the clear light of his Autobiography, these personal testimonies not written by him are simple glimpses, perhaps even partial, filtered by distance and affection, but which also help describe the attractive humanity of a saint like Claret.
Catechetical Prints
In December 1848, Father Claret finally published his Explained Catechism, which included 46 pictures representing the main mysteries of the Christian faith.
Father Claret Photographed by Laurent
It is in it, our Venerable standing, facing and rigorous etiquette, with its crosses and bands. Because of its sweet and calm expression, I like it better than the previous one (Madrazo type).
The Aguado Press
Don Eusebio Aguado was a famous Royal House Chamber printer whose printing-bookstore was located on 8 Pontejos Street, very close to the Puerta del Sol in Madrid.
Claret and Don Lorenzo Arrazola
Father Claret’s first contact with Don Lorenzo Arrazola was completely formal, since Mr. Lorenzo was the Minister of Grace and Justice, then in charge of ecclesiastical affairs, who notified him in a letter dated August 4, 1849 his appointment as archbishop of Santiago de Cuba.
The First Claret School
On August 8, 1861, at the request of Fr. Claret and the entire Council of Public Instruction, a royal order was issued authorizing the installation in El Escorial and its incorporation to one of the institutes of Madrid of a second private School education, under the technical direction of Don Dionisio González de Mendoza, and subject to the internal regulations that were approved.
Father Claret in Ciudadela
In the altarpiece, Saint Anthony Mary Claret is dressed in episcopal purple, with a cane in his hand, in an attitude of proclaiming the Word that leads to the path of life: “Whoever eats of this bread will live forever”