1855. Claret writes to Currius about some details of the farm in Puerto Principe (Cuba).
1867. Claret tells Fr. Xifre he will finance the edition of the Meditations, Talks, and Sermons for the Congregation, which is the project that will lead to the Directory, the Espiritu de la Congregacion [Spirit of the Congregation] and El Auxiliar de los Misioneros [The Assistant of the Missionaries].
EXPANSION (1906-1922)
TRIESTE, THE FIRST FOUNDATION IN GERMANYIt was a very distinct path that led to the foundation in Trieste, a city belonging to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and which led to the birth of the Congregation in Austria. In 1908 a young German from Italy requesting admission to the Congregation had arrived in Spain. An admission that took place in the Novitiate of Cervera. There had been a Report written there about the Institute that, translated into German, was sent to some centers in Germany. The requests were immediate, reaching 22 German Postulants in 1912. This accelerated the desire to begin a foundation in Germany. That is why the experienced Fr. Ramon Genover was sent, who after traveling to Germany and Austria arrived in Trieste, where a house was founded in 1912.
In this way around 1907-1908 the first German, Austrian and Silesian Postulants arrived in Cervera. Between 1908 and 1924 more than 70 candidates came through, among them were Fr. Peter Schweiger, future Superior General (1949-1967), Fr. Andres Back and Fr. Alejandro Schwientek.

Missionary Preacher (1870-1947)Miranda de Arga (Navarra, Spain). He entered the Claretian seminary at age 12. He enjoyed exceptional health all his life. We could say that he was a gifted man not only in health but also in speech, understanding, and compassion. He was a great worker and loved the Congregation and the Heart of Mary. Ordained a priest in 1894, he was sent to Chile where he dedicated himself to the popular ministry and the development of Marian devotion. Returning to Spain in 1898, he established the Home Visits, which ended up serving more than 150,000 families. In 1904 he arrived in Aranda de Duero, where he would develop a tireless activity throughout the Ribera del Duero area. He created many associations and led innumerable vocations to religious life. He said: I have more than 37 martyrs in heaven, whose vocations I awoke for the Congregation. He went on to admire the Heart of Mary Museum put together in Aranda de Duero. He died on March 3rd in Valladolid.
Good Books Within Everyone’s Reach
In our day, then, there is twice the need for circulating good books. But these books must be small because modern people rush about so much and are pressed on all sides by a thousand different demands…and travel everywhere—so that a thick tome is just not going to be read. It will merely sit around gathering dust on the shelves of bookstores and libraries… (Aut 312)
Thanks be to God, all my books have had happy results, but the ones that I think have converted more people have been The Straight Path and The Catechism Explained. I meet a great number of people who attribute their conversion to reading these two books. Even here in the royal court, not a day goes by but that I meet someone who has resolved to change his life as a result of reading one of these books. (Aut 323)
In all the books I have published I have sought no financial gain, but only God’s greater glory and the good of souls. I have never made a penny’s profit from the works I have seen through the presses. On the contrary I have given away thousands upon thousands of free copies. I am still doing so today and hope to be doing so until I die; for I consider this to be the best alms one could possibly give nowadays. (Aut 328)

- Do you facilitate the promotion of evangelization materials?
- Do you use new social communications media to evangelize?
- Do you continue to value the Word and care for its proclamation?
If I am or have anything else, I have received it all from God.”
(Aut 344)