1856. Advised by others, Claret asks the Queen for authorization to spend time in the Peninsula to restore his health since he has had a continuous pain in his arm that impedes him a lot in the performance of his ministry.
EXPANSION (1906-1922)
FOUNDATION IN THE UNITED KINGDOMThe first to attempt a foundation in the United Kingdom was Fr. Ramon Genover from Gibraltar in 1901, but the auspicious occasion came when Fr. Antonio Maria Pueyo was commissioned to represent the Spanish Nocturnal Adoration at the International Eucharistic Congress in September of 1908. Two years later, there was still nothing concrete. Finally, in April 1912 the first expedition arrived from Gibraltar aboard the steamboat India. Fr. Pueyo was waiting for them. They were initially accommodated in a temporary home to attend to the parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Hayes-Harlington, in Greater London. The number of Catholics at that time was 150. Soon the pastoral work began, with an added commitment: to teach the son of the Ambassador of Spain in London. After tireless efforts of Fr. Ramon Genover, the foundation was finally carried out in London (Hayes), due to the efforts of Fr. Pueyo; a foundation that still exists. With this foundation, Fr. Martin Alsina he saw his aspirations fulfilled with the hope of getting vocations.

Secretary and General Econome (1905-1983)Santervás de la Vega (Palencia, Spain). In 1918 he entered the Claretian postulancy. Before his priestly ordination, which took place in 1932, he carried out some pastoral activities in Salvatierra, Bilbao … until Fr. Nicolas Garcia appointed him as his personal secretary, moving him to Madrid. He accompanied Fr. Garcia on his visits to Spain, Equatorial Guinea, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. In 1946 he was named Provincial Consultor of Castilla. But his most significant period was that of General Secretary, a position he held from 1949 to 1967. He combined it with the position of General Archivist. Everyone considered him the ideal Secretary because of his prudence and scrupulous respect for the secrecy that his office demanded. He was a teacher when the Chronicles were written. From 1967 to 1973 he was also General Econome. Other activities of Fr. Diez were that of peritus of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy and member of the Administrative Commission of the Spanish College in Rome. Although he was not very gifted for pastoral work, he always remained active as a chaplain of women religious.

The Means of Books and Pamphlets
Sixth Means: books and pamphlets. Experience has taught me that one of the most powerful forces for good is the press, although when abused it can also be one of the most potent weapons for evil. By means of the press so many good books and pamphlets are circulated that God should be praised for it. Not everyone wishes to or is able to hear the Word of God, but everyone can read or listen to the reading of a good book. Not everyone can go to church to hear God’s Word, but a book can go to a person’s house. The preacher can’t always be preaching, but a book is always delivering the same message tirelessly… (Aut 310)
Reading good books has always been considered highly useful, but nowadays it is a real necessity… because there is such a passion for reading that if people don’t have good books they’ll read bad ones. Books are the food of the soul, and just as the body is nourished by wholesome food and harmed by poisonous food, so it is with reading and the soul… (Aut 311)

- Do you read books of a certain depth for your permanent formation?
- What religious books do you usually recommend to people?
(Paulo Coelho)