1857. Claret names Fr. Dionisio Gonzalez administrator of the archdiocese during his absence, with all the faculties without any limitations. He will govern for three years.

1858. Claret begins directing personalized Spiritual Exercises for the Queen; they are of great importance, after the very recent disorder.

1859. Claret had an extraordinary experience in praying with the passage of the Samaritan woman, especially in the expression: Ego sum.

EXPANSION (1906-1922)


It would be an endless task to relate the work of the Missionaries in Guinea over time, but we cannot fail to mention here names of places that will remain forever in the history of this great Claretian endeavor: Batete-Maria Cristina, San Carlos, Musola, Concepcion, Basile, Banapa and Santa Isabel, without forgetting the islands of Corisco and Annobon. More important would be to put here the names of those who gave their lives in this generous undertaking, but it would not be fair to select some names and definitely too long a list to name them all. Many of them arrived and very soon fell ill and died. Suffice it to say that all these efforts were compensated in a way in 1912 with the inauguration of the Seminary and the development of the magazine La Guinea Española.

In October of 1909 Mons. Armengol Coll founded in Equatorial Guinea, together with Sr. Imelda Makole, the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate, at that time called Auxiliary Sisters of the Missions. Their mission was to evangelize Africa, collaborating with all the missionary agents who sought the transformation of the world according to God’s designs.

Siervo Goyeneche, CMF

Missionary and Canon lawyer (1886-1964)

Falces (Navarra, Spain). After two years as a professor of rhetoric at the school in Vic (Barcelona), he was assigned by his superiors to Rome in 1915, where he lived until his death in a Claretian community in which he established an efficient and prestigious law school for canonical procedural law and for men religious. At the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome, he obtained his doctorate in 1918 in utroque iure. From then on, he developed all his work as a canonist as a professor, writer, and consultant in various areas of the Church. Deserving special mention is the initiative that he undertook in 1920, along with his companions from his religious community and professors (the canonists Felipe Maroto and Arcadio Larraona), the magazine Commentarium pro Religiosis. His talents as advisor led him to participate as a Consultor in four Congregations of the Roman Curia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain granted him the title of Mitred Abbot of the Royal Church of Santiago of the Spaniards in Naples.


Mary’s Son And Minister

The prayer I said at the beginning of every mission. O Virgin Mother of God, mother, and advocate of poor and unhappy sinners, you are well aware that I am your son and minister, formed in the forge of your mercy and love. I am like an arrow poised in your mighty hand. Release me, my Mother, with the full force of your arm, against the impious, sacrilegious, and cruel Ahab, wed to the base Jezebel. I mean to say: release me against Satan, the prince of this world, who has made an alliance with the flesh. (Aut 270)



  • What does it mean to you to be Mary’s son and minister?
  • What does Cordimarian spirituality contribute to your apostolic life?
  • What missionary characteristics of Mary in the Gospel do you find most encouraging?

“May all our actions begin in you as their source and tend towards you as their end.”

  • Is Mary a source of inspiration in the mission?


“I knew that if I was to acquire the virtues I needed
in order to become a truly apostolic missionary,
I would have to begin with humility,
which I regard as the foundation for all other virtues.”

(Aut 341).

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