(accompanied by thousands of people).
1853. Claret concludes his first pastoral visit to the archdiocese, in order to celebrate Holy Week in the capital, in its provisional cathedral, because the real one is not yet rebuilt after the earthquakes.
1860. Claret travels to El Escorial to meet with Fr. Pages, former head of the monastery, about various organizational matters and to preach for three days to the budding community; the seminary is starting to function.
EXPANSION (1906-1922)
IN BOLIVIA AND PERUFr. Martin Alsina was commissioned by Fr. Thomas Sese, Vice-Provincial of Chile, to explore the possibility of founding in Bolivia and Peru. Almost unexpectedly the foundation of Bolivia began in 1910, from an invitation of the Vicar General of Cochabamba, in which he offered them the direction of the seminary and to attend to the best church in Cochabamba. It was a hectic foundation, first due to the obligatory commitment to a school that was not part of the missionaries’ plans and the radical opposition of the clergy of the diocese. This presence did not last long, although it would not be a final farewell since the missionaries returned again in 1919.
The General Government approved the foundation in Lima (Peru), at the request of Fr. Sese, in 1909, at the same time as Cochabamba. There were two fronts: the seminary and the shrine of Cocharcas. It was an important challenge for the Congregation, which is why Chile devoted itself to assigning the best available missionaries there, Fr. Thomas Sese, Fr. Juan Nacenta and Fr. Mariano Aguilar, among others.

Founder (1811-1872)Aytona (Lérida, Spain). He entered the Order of the Discalced Carmelites in Barcelona in 1832. He suffered exclaustration in 1835 and was ordained a priest the following year. He carried out the remarkable apostolic activity in Catalonia. Then he went to France, returning to Spain in 1851. There he created the Escuela de la Virtud [School of Virtue] in 1853 for catechetical teaching. The following year he was confined to Ibiza. He was released in 1857 and then confined again. In 1859 he asked Isabella II to release him from the penalty of exile. After a trial, the Queen decreed his innocence, and he returned to mission in Catalonia. He founded the Teresian Missionary Carmelite Sisters and the Missionary Carmelite Sisters. He died with a reputation for holiness in Tarragona on March 20, 1872, and was beatified in 1988. In 1859 he wrote to Claret describing the Escuela de la Virtud and consulting with him about the direction of his ideas. At the same time, he asked him to influence the Queen to free him from exile.

The Means of Prayer
The first means I have always employed and still do is prayer. In my opinion, this is the greatest means that can be used for the conversion of sinners, the perseverance of the just and the relief of the souls in purgatory. Hence in my meditations, Masses, recitation of the breviary (prayers) and other devotions, as well as in my aspirations, I always asked God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for these three intentions. (Aut 264)
I not only prayed myself but asked others to pray… (Aut 265)

- What place does personal prayer occupy in your missionary life?
- How do you live the communal dimension of your prayer?
- Do you encourage others to be people of prayer?
Our life’s fruitfulness depends on the union we have with the Master. Vine and branches. Everything with him. Nothing without him.
- Discuss this reflection.
- Is prayer your first means of action?
should be a model of all the virtues:
he should, in fact, be virtue personified.”
(Aut 340).