1862. Claret writes to Fr. Xifre about the vocational crisis of a missionary, about the seemingly little work that those in Gracia have, and about the substantial Mass stipends that the three communities of the Congregation will receive from El Escorial.
1863. Claret begins a series of Spiritual Exercises for men in the church of Montserrat (Madrid).
Both the foundation in Algiers and in Chile were created with the approval of Fr. Founder. The one in Chile was a proposal of the priest Fr. Santiago de la Peña, who had built a chapel and wanted the liturgy to be preserved. On December 13, 1869, the first missionaries left for Santiago, Chile. Leading them was Fr. Pablo Vallier. There were problems with Don Santiago, which provoked hostility in the town. They rescinded the contract and, a week after arrival, they changed their residence. Fr. Xifre visited them, once they settled in the chapel of Belen; and he made three visits over the years. Fr. Vallier extended the Congregation in Chile, also founding in La Serena in 1873; in 1876 he was named Visitor. On November 16, 1869, Claret wrote to Fr. Xifre expressing his satisfaction for the new mission in Chile; and telling him that he would have liked to go to America, the young vineyard. It was the first foundation in America, and the first one to last outside of Europe.

Pedro Mulleras, CMF
Missionary and Preacher (1843-1900)
Olot (Girona, Spain). He was a close friend of Fr. Ramon Fluvia. They both requested admission to the Claretian seminary in Prades. They admitted Fluvia, but not him for three reasons: he was old, he had been a liberal soldier and he had been an aspirant for the Piarists. Finally, he was admitted and both of them entered the Congregation. He was a gifted preacher. He was brilliant and handsome. But above all he stood out in moral and spiritual qualities. He founded the houses of Alagon and Lleida. And he had a great influence on the acquisition of the University of Cervera. He was also the first Superior of the House in Ciudad Real where he died on January 29th. He attended the General Chapter of 1895 and took part in the deliberations that culminated in the division of Provinces. This is how Fr. Aguilar spoke of him: Fr. Mulleras, whose purity of habits was angelic, had a great heart, a truly paternal heart. But wherever he was, he won the affection of all sorts of people.
Gaining Fame
News of the technical ability the Lord had given me spread through Barcelona. This moved some gentlemen to call on my father to ask him what he thought of our forming a company and starting our own factory. My father found the idea very attractive, as it would mean growth for his own factory. He talked with me about it, pointing out the advantages and possible fortune it might bring me. (Aut 63)

- Have you ever dreamed of success and fame? What kind?
- Have you received flattering proposals in your life?
- How did you discover that the greatest glory of a Christian is to follow Christ?
- The image I have of myself is …
- The image that others have of me is …
- The image that I show others is …
that it would be foolish to want to copy.
And even among the positive expressions of their spirituality,
there are always some so intimately linked
to a certain environment or character,
that they are practically non-transferable.”
(Juan M. Lozano, Mystic and Man of Action)