1864. Claret sends the nuncio six Spanish catechisms in order to have him select the best one.
1869. Claret learns, in Paris, of the slander about his supposed theft of jewels from El Escorial. He indicates to Fr. Dionisio Gonzalez where he had put them and asks him to deliver them soon.
The revolution called la Gloriosa erupted in September 1868 and, in addition to driving the Founder into exile while accompanying the Queen, it tragically affected the Institute. The communities of Vic, Gracia and Segovia were dispersed and that of Jaca ceased to exist indefinitely. Only the house of Huesca remained standing thanks to the brave resistance of Fr. Hilario Brossosa. The house of La Selva del Camp was attacked and in it the Congregation had its first martyr, Fr. Francis Crusats. Several missionaries left the Congregation, while on October 18, 1868, the Government suppressed it civilly. Most of the missionaries took refuge in private homes. Fr. Xifre, threatened with death, hid in villages near Vic. Discouragement spread throughout the Institute. The Founder, from his exile in France, wrote two letters to Fr. Xifre, one, congratulating him on the martyrdom of Fr. Crusats and the other, exhorting him to trust in God that they would emerge strengthened from that storm.

Sor Patrocinio
The Nun of the Wounds (1811-1891)
San Clemente (Cuenca, Spain). Her name was María Josefa de los Dolores Anastasia de Quiroga y Capopardo. She was also known by the nickname of the Nun of the Wounds. She was a religious sister of the Order of the Immaculate Conception, with a large presence in Spanish social and political life during the second half of the 19th century because of the influence she exerted on Queen Isabella II and her husband Francisco de Asis de Borbon. After 1830 she had several mystical visions, many of these experiences leaving marks on her body (the wounds). She suffered judicial proceedings in 1835 for fraud and for supporting the Carlism movement. Her friendship with Isabella II allowed her to restore convents in royal places, hence her overlapping with Claret and the satires to which they were both subjected. Actually, it seems that they only met in person on one occasion. She went into exile in France in 1868, returning in 1874. Her process of beatification began in 1907.
Passion for Textile Art
Of all the things I have studied or worked at during my life, I have understood none better than manufacturing. Apropos of this, in the firm I worked for, there were catalogs of patterns shown at the yearly displays in Paris and London, and they were kept up-to-date to be in step with the latest fashions. God gave me such a ready wit in this that all I have to do was analyze any pattern and in short order a copy would emerge from the loom exact to the last detail, or even with improvements if my employer so desired. (Aut 58)
I found copying patterns difficult at first, but by applying myself day and night, both on workdays and holidays, to study, writing, and designing, I came to be successful at it. (Aut 59).

- What skills have you developed in your life?
- Do you see them as opportunities for your missionary apostolate?
- What pleases you about yourself? What things do you do well?
- Give thanks to God for the gifts and talents he has given you.
My aim is to make God better known, loved, and served by everyone.”
(Aut 202).