1857. Claret reveals to Currius the premonition that he will remain in Cuba for a short time, therefore he wants to sell what has been built of the farm school of Puerto Principe.
1870. Claret is very busy with the affairs of the Council, but everything is done with great pleasure keeping in mind that it is done for the greater glory of God and the good of souls.
The foundation began quickly in Huesca (1864) after Spiritual Exercises preached by Fr. Xifre which would bear exceptional fruit with the entry into the Congregation of Fr. Vallier. Jaca (1867), where they settled in the old seminary, with Fr. Hilario Brossosa at the head. La Selva del Camp (1868), requested by the archbishop of Tarragona, Francisco Fleix y Solans, Fr. Alibes going as Superior and accompanied by Fr. Donato Berenguer and Fr. Francis Crusats, among others. And offers were presented to found houses in Valencia, Cadiz, Zaragoza, etc. The Congregation extended more and more, although at the moment only in Spain. The Bishop of Lleida, after his transfer to Pamplona, undertook efforts for a foundation in his diocese, to no avail. Likewise, Friar Bartolome Casal, on behalf of the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, proposed to the Founder the establishment of the Institute in Galicia. The one that was about to be realized was that of Astorga. And the one that seemed to be more favorable and that also did not come to fruition was that of Seo de Urgel, seat of the bishop Caixal.

Ignacio Buil, CMF
Student Missionary (1859-1880)
Barbastro (Huesca, Spain). He studied at the college of the Piarists in Barbastro, where years later the blessed martyrs would be housed. Having overcome some family difficulties, he entered the novitiate in Thuir, France. He was a model in all aspects, especially in everything spiritual. After a premature death, his reputation for holiness grew among the students of the time, amplified by the brochure Practicas de las pequeñas virtudes [Practices of the Little Virtues], which was a biography of Mr. Buil. And not only among the students, but also some of the Fathers who were teachers of the spiritual life, like Clotet, Serrat, and Juanola, who referred to him as a saint. Some called him St. Louis. His death occurred in an unexpected way. He went out for a walk with the other students and the next day he fell ill. In spite of the remedies that were provided to him, he gladly surrendered his soul to the Lord on January 19th. The History of the Institute by Fr. Aguilar speaks of him with much praise.
Helpful Books
I had the good fortune of discovering a book entitled Courtesies of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. How I loved that book! I liked it so much that I learned it by heart. (Aut 37)
At this time I chanced upon another book called A Good Day and a Good Night, which I read with great pleasure and profit! (Aut 41)
At about this time I discovered in our house a book called El Roser, the rose-tree, which contained pictures and explanations of the mysteries of the rosary. I learned from it how to recite the rosary, litanies, and other prayers. (Aut 45)
The realization of how much good I have derived through reading good and pious books has prompted me to distribute them generously, in the hope that they will bring my neighbors, whom I love so much, the same happy results they brought to me. (Aut 42)

- Were there some books that were helpful during your childhood? Which ones?
- Do you have books or other means of communication that are currently enriching you spiritually? Which ones?
- Do you usually recommend several resources that can enrich others?
- List some books that have helped you think, grow, and enjoy yourself throughout your life.
What is sacred? What is the spirit made of? What is worth living for?
What is worth dying for? The answer to each one is the same: only love.”
(Movie, Don Juan DeMarco)