1849. Claret preaches a mission in Tirajana (Canary Islands).
1863. Claret presides at the awards ceremony to the students of Sunday Schools in the church of San Francisco el Grande (Madrid).
In 1861, the Novitiate for Priests and Brothers was formally established. The students that were beginning to arrive posed a difficult problem to solve. Fr. Xifre took the first steps to solve some of these problems of the Novitiate and Scholasticate, mainly the admission of young students. Father Claret always looked upon the Novitiate and the Scholasticate in Vic with affection and endearment, eventually writing the Rules in 1862 which became part of the Constitutions with some variations. That same year Fr. Xifre wrote an Instruction, considered the first document promoting vocations in the Congregation.
In this regard, frequently over all these years, we see that Fr. Xifre was afraid to admit students due to economic difficulties. Claret exhorted him to have more trust in God’s Providence, and offered him financial help from what he received as a salary and several other sources. For example, in a letter from October 18, 1868, he says that all his goods and possessions are for the Congregation, except some alms for two of his brothers.
A este propósito, frecuentemente en todos estos años, vemos que el P. Xifré tenía miedo de admitir estudiantes debido a las dificultades económicas. Claret le exhortaba a tener más confianza en la Providencia de Dios, y le ofrecía ayuda económica de lo que él recibía como salario y otras varias entradas. Por ejemplo, en carta del 18 de octubre de 1868, dice que todos sus bienes y cosas son para la Congregación, excepto algunas limosnas para dos de sus hermanos.

Blessed Maria Ana Mogas
Foundress (1827-1886)
Hostal del Lledoner (Barcelona, Spain). She was born on January 13th. At the end of 1848 Maria Ana joined two exclaustrated Capuchin nuns who dedicated themselves to helping poor girls. They were guided by Blessed Joseph Tous. In 1851 she was in charge of the small foundation of Tertiary Capuchins of the Divine Shepherd in Ripoll. Following the advice of Father Claret, she managed not to merge her Institute with other communities. In 1865 Benito Serra invited them to found in Ciempozuelos and later in Madrid. Father Claret helped them by guiding them to teach in poor neighborhoods and in 1868 they opened a school in Madrid. The foundation in Madrid was the occasion of misunderstandings. This will lead to a distancing from the nuns in Catalonia, aggravated by the death of Fr. Tous in 1871. Cirilo Alameda made them change their habits and names: Franciscan Missionaries of the Mother of the Divine Shepherd. Mother Mogas died in Fuencarral (Madrid) on July 3 and was beatified on October 6, 1996.
First Models
I was barely six when my parents sent me to school. My first schoolmaster was a very active and religious man, Mr. Anthony Pascual. He never punished or upbraided me, but I was careful not to give him any cause for doing so. I was always punctual, always attended classes, and always prepared my lessons carefully. (Aut 22)
Besides having a very good elementary teacher, which, as I have said, is no small gift from heaven, I also had very good parents who cooperated with my teacher in molding my understanding in truth and nurturing my heart in the practice of religion and all the virtues. Every day after lunch, which we ate at a quarter past twelve, my father had me read a spiritual book, and at night we would sit for a while around the table, where he would always tell us something edifying and instructive until it was time for us to retire. (Aut 25)

- Who have been the people who most influenced your childhood?
- What teachings do you remember from your parents and teachers?
- What convictions and virtues did they instill in you?
- Pray for the people who accompanied you during your childhood.
I offer my life for God and for souls.
I forgive you this crime that you are going to commit against me and
I ask the Divine Mercy to accept my blood for your salvation.”
(Blessed Julian Villanueva, CMF).